Alexandra Stanko Articles by
Alexandra Stanko

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January through March 2017: Softly Drifting into an Action Movie

The slightly sluggish leftover dizziness of the New Year’s party might be difficult to shrug off during the first weeks of January while many planets are drifting along in the sign of the Fishes. Apart from the end of the month, this is not a time for actively surging ahead due to a lack of direction. Visual and creative endeavors, however, can benefit from heightened imagination, and the arts and dream factories might find this time very productive, although they’re in for a reality check at the end of January. The same applies to romantic endeavors which will tend to softly dance along, with the lovers of the Zodiac, Mars and Venus, being in the daydreaming sign of Pisces. This year’s Valentine’s day should have been moved forward to January 12 when Venus bumps into Neptune and causes pink-colored hearts to fly. Enjoy the ride as long as it lasts through the major part of the month.

 Off the romantic swimming lanes, the first two weeks of January are ideal for reworking projects, some of which will carry the inventive and innovative spirit of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. This is a constellation that stands for technical innovation and advancement, and it will characterize the first nine months of 2017. After Mercury’s change into forward gear at the end of the 2nd week, our mental focus will be on structures and material feasibilities. From the middle of January until the first week in February, all planets are in forward motion so that plans made during the holiday season can be put into effect rather quickly.

 After a relatively quiet time, the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States could be a wake-up call to reality. On that very day (January 20), aggressive Mars happens to run into a frustrating square with Saturn, the strict headmaster and imposer of limits. Saturn will conjoin the wounded healer Chiron in the sign of Pisces, whose bag of acute pain is brimming over with tears of ‘Weltschmerz’. A charity concert would be a constructive expression for these feelings. In times of global digitization and instant broadcasting, the celebs would not even have to travel far to an event like this, thus bypassing the travel restrictions and border controls likely to be imposed during Saturn’s stay in the sign of Sagittarius until the end of the year. Fortunately, and in contrast to 2016, an amicable aspect between Jupiter and Saturn might make space for negotiations and more flexibility.

 Those of you who are into politics might interpret the Saturn square to Venus, Mars and Chiron in Pisces in the chart of the inauguration as a renewal of the conflict between those who are socially marginalized and in need, and the hardening of world views, foreign affairs, and the restriction of the freedom of opinion. Chiron in Pisces (together with Neptune) will not stop confronting us with floods of any kind and will not cease to wash ashore masses of victims, making us aware of the fact that we’re all in the same boat called planet Earth, calling for increased empathy and action. The Brexit motto “Leave or remain?” will find a modified echo in 2017 and could be called “Believe or pain” – to put it in exaggerated words. Voices will be raised against authority figures, and their role as saviors severely questioned, while, on the other hand, people in positions of responsibility might at times feel quite helpless, being confronted with the weaknesses and limits of human nature. At the same time, this could give birth to a new generation of authority figures for whom humility will become part of their self-image.

 The last days of January could be tough when the time for pink-colored hearts and illusions is over. Bubbles of false hopes will burst and relationships will be put to test. Some will rub their eyes in disbelief. When Mars enters his own sign of Aries on January 28, many of us will feel tempted to get into activity-overdrive, with the danger of starting numerous actions without proper planning. On the other hand, some people might follow through on their promises and put the money where their mouth is.

 Mars‘s entry into Aries will usher in an action-packed, stormy and combative February with explosive tendencies, even though the solar eclipse (conjunct Neptune in Pisces) towards the end of the month will move masses of water as well as our feelings, empathy, longings and wishes. A day that sticks out in February is the 22nd with the Mars-Pluto square, when the will to action might run into the brick wall(s) of a power-wielding establishment, leading to quite some tension and frustration that might build up to a point at the end of February / beginning of March at which a spark could trigger explosions of any kind with Mars conjoining explosive Uranus. Sudden upheavals, eruptions and U-turns are indicated, but also positive breakthroughs.

 In March, Uranus will move on into a conjunction with asteroid Eris, named after the ancient Greek goddess of strife and discord. Whatever strong emotion will be vented at the end of February / beginning of March might result in a heated dispute lasting the entire month. Fortunately, Jupiter in Libra is part of the picture, providing the possibility for a diplomatic peace through the creation of new alliances, but also with the risk of quickly resorting to appeasement politics, one of the shadow sides of Libra. At a more personal level, backtracking Venus will give us the opportunity to examine in how far our relationships help us to develop our courage and will-power and how we can express strong emotions in a loving context – be they positive or negative. Retrograde Venus-time is also known for digging up female figures from the past, holding a mirror up to us in this respect.

All in all, we’ve got a colorful first quarter ahead of us, which will mirror the many facets of the year 2017.

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