Alexandra Stanko Articles by
Alexandra Stanko

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Mercury Retrograde Phases 2016

06 January – 26 January (Aquarius/ Capricorn)
29 April – 23 May (Taurus)
31 August – 23 September (Virgo)
20 December 2016 – 9 January 2017 (Capricorn/Sagittarius)

 Does a project of yours need to be reworked in January? Great! Because Mercury’s retrograde phase will support you in revising current plans and assignments. During this time when the mythological messenger of the Gods goes backwards (as seen from the Earth), errors can be identified and resolved, missing things can be found and important pieces of information often surface, which you need to move on with your projects and life.

 Many people mark this time in their diaries for another reason though: Experience has shown that beginning a new project is something that should be avoided because projects tend to get off to a rather sluggish start. This is the general advice that applies during these times: back up your data (best a few days before this period begins), double check info, be prepared for a couple of communication, computer and travel mishaps, equip yourself with an extra dose of patience to manage disruptions and delays.

In 2016 it’s the practical earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo that are affected, meaning that logistical complications and delays can be expected especially with projects of a concrete and tangible nature or relating to business. So if you were going to renovate your bathroom in January, postpone it to February. Or allow for more time than originally planned and more money. And don’t be surprised to you find yourself stuck in yet another traffic jam on your way to the DIY store.

 Particularly at the end of January it is possible that we will see logistical and structural problems on a bigger scale when retrograde Mercury aligns with the socially and politically relevant Uranus-Pluto square of this winter. Politically, it looks like a time when the conservative voices will make themselves heard and clash violently with the spirit of renewal and protest. The sign of Capricorn is associated with big banks, business, state institutions and all the traditional structures that make up the social framework, so they might be affected by delays and misunderstandings the most. Or a harsh winter could simply make it difficult to realize and implement necessary changes.

 Fortunately, Mercury’s retrograde phase through the fertile sign of Taurus in May looks a little lighter. This might actually be a very productive phase of reflection leading to practical and useful solutions since, at the end of this phase, Mercury forms a harmonious trine to Jupiter and also to Pluto at the beginning of June. The distribution of resources, the real estate market, procurement, agriculture and the food industry will be in focus.

 The phase in September when Mercury will backpedal through the detail-oriented health sign of Virgo also seems to be quite constructive in the end. A solution to the excess of red tape (Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Virgo) might finally be found by rethinking and reworking certain processes, with the possibility of neatly fitting into newly transformed social structures ( Mercury trine Pluto in the last week of September).

 Should you be planning your skiing vacation for the Christmas holidays in 2016, pack a good dose of patience into your suitcase as waiting could become an integral part of the holiday season. The good news: just because Mercury will be in reverse gear again doesn’t mean you’ll have to speed down the slopes backwards.

Have a safe trip and good luck in 2016!

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